Tuesday, December 26, 2006

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Yeah....so me and Craig were pulling out of our driveway to go to town....and I see something weird beside the neighbors driveway, outside their gate. Craig stopped, and I took a look...it was this tiny little puppy sitting in the snow. The neighbors were out of town for the holidays, so we couldn't ask if it was theirs. So we took it home. It isn't even weaned yet...I had to go buy replacement milk for it. It's way too cute though. I hope it really isn't the neighbors. If it is, I have no idea how it got out by the road. It could have gotten run over by a car or fallen in the acequia or eaten at night by a coyote or wolf or cougar...and that's not even counting the snow that was deeper than the puppy is tall. At first it didn't even look like a puppy...it looked more like a little groundhog or other wild critter. It's a spunky little thing, and already spoilt rotten. The best we can figure is maybe a shepherd/husky mix, maybe. Probably three or four weeks old. I took this photo with the iSight on my Mac, so it's not the greatest photo.

Well, the puppy did in fact belong to the neighbors...they came home today and we went over. They were pleased that we had taken care of it...like us, they didn't think that it would have survived the night otherwise. However, they asked if we wanted to keep it. Duh. Turns out another of their dogs also gave birth last night, so they have four new puppies. Of course we said that we'd take it. They said they would have to find it a home anyway, and we figured that he had made it halfway to our house on his own. He is about six weeks or so...a little older than we guessed...he's a husky/shepherd mix. His mother, the husky, is gorgeous and his father, the shepherd, is simply huge. We haven't named him yet...we've been calling him Porkchop...he's such a fatso. So far the best name suggestion has been Toby, after the dog in the Sherlock Holmes series. I don't know, though. He's a feisty little thing. Doesn't back down from the big dogs at all. Follows them around and bites their feet! He's also a very social little thing.

So, introducing our newest little one:
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