Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here we go with another Truchas sunset:

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Our next door neighbors, Remo and Leanna moved into a bigger place about 6 miles away. They had a huge housewarming party, and there were a number of musicians there. I didn't take a guitar, but the fiddle player had brought his old Yamaha, and I borrowed it.

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We took a day and went off wandering towards Jemez State Park. We didn't make it to the park before closing time, but we did see Battleship Rock, Soda Dam and the Valles Caldera.

Here's Battleship Rock:

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Nothing really shows the true's so hard to show 176 square miles, 89,000 acres in a photo. A caldera is where a volcano blew it's top.

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Me and Ray on top of the Soda Dam:

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Here's another shot of the Soda Dam with the river coming through it.

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