Friday, July 28, 2006

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Butch and his lion toy. Butch is about nine years old and has had a tough life chasing cars, so arthritis is slowing him down a little these days. He's still the boss dog, the alpha though. He's terrified of thunder.

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Butch looks like a black bear dog. He looks so serious here. Probably because a cat was playing with his wagging tail. The cats and dogs get along really great. The cats walk back and forth under his nose, wafting their tails into his face...most likely hoping that he will somehow pet them.

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This is Leonard. He's a very gentle sweetheart. I found him at the college I where I teach after someone abused him then dumped him. He was three months old. He's super loyal. He's about two years old now, going on three.

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Little Missy Butter-Wouldn't-Melt-In-My-Mouth, also known as Silver. She's a one-woman kitty. She doesn't want anything to do with the guys, she just wants to sit on my shoulder. She's my little sweetie, though. I wouldn't part with her for anything.

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This is Laci. She was a feral cat, but she surprised us all by becoming the biggest pet you've ever seen.

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This is Molly. I've had her the longest. I got her from the vet when she was a kitten. She's a bit grumpy, and makes up for Silver snubbing the fellows by adoring Craig. She'll tolerate me, but she prefers Craig.

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